Wednesday 15 January 2014

AS Exam Final Piece

Originally this painting was meant to have a bra in it, however I ran out of time and didn't think i'd be able to paint it in effectively.

I started with the face and added in flicks of colour such as blue and yellow just to exaggerate the tones and complement the skin. (Noted that the background is green to complement the purple/pink tones used)

I then progressed with the rest of the painting. The main colours I used involved: pink, purple, orange and yellow. I felt that this warmed up the skin instead of making it look flat and cold.

At this point the larger areas of paint had been completed and the more challenging details needed to be done (the hands and hair).

(It was just the case of adding in the pants now)

Voila! My finished painting! (Not technically finished as I didn't have time but finished on the whole)
Let me know what your opinions on this one are!

Grandma's Hands - AS Coursework Final Piece

I don't think I’ve ever spent so long on a painting before but I’m so pleased with the outcome!
I used a picture for guidance but I drew the outline myself so that I could alter the picture slightly so it looked like both hands were coming from the sides of the painting.

I started by priming the wood so that the paint had something to cling onto. I used ochre, white and lemon yellows for this as these reflect the tones in the skin. I began painting the thumbs and the fingers at the top and worked my way down.

Instead of following the colours in the picture I exaggerated the tones slightly which gave a really lovely look and gave the skin some warmth.

Obviously the hand on the left side needed to be touched up slightly so it didn't look so thin. It also needed some more shadows to give the hand more depth and make it look more life like.

Finally, this is my finished piece when it was exhibited in 2013!

Let me know what you think!

A New Start

Hi my name’s Amelia and I’m obsessed with Art (and cats). I've decided to move all of my work from my Tumblr blog to here! (Mostly because I found myself reblogging too many pictures of other work and wanted something which just contained mine)

Hope you enjoy my blog! Comments are more than welcome, I love getting other view points on my work!